Featured Naturaslista: Lesley Taylor

Featured Naturaslista: Lesley Taylor

Where are you from? 
I am from Pooler, Ga. Right outside of Savannah. I host a youtube channel (InspiringlyNatural)

What’s something we wouldn't know by looking at you? 
That I was born and raised in a small Georgia town!

How long have you been natural? 
Since February 2012 (transition began)

Did you do the Big Chop or did you transition to natural hair and When? 
Transitioned fully and then did a major shape up at barber (felt like a big chop)!

Did you have a support system? 
My husband was my best support system!!!

What is more important to you - Hair Length or Hair Health? 
Healthy hair.

What are some of your favorite natural hair products? 
Shea Moisture, Koils by Nature, Qhemet Biologics, Camille Rose, As I Am Naturally

What is your natural hair regimen? 
  • Wash weekly with Shea Moisture and yes with Giovanni Tea Tree Triple Treat.
  • Condition with Shea moisture, herbal Essences Hello Hydration
  • Deep Condish: Shea moisture masque raw shea butter, Aussie Moist with cocnut oil

What advice would you give to someone who is considering to go natural or a newly natural sista? 
To remain committed to the process. I  love my natural hair and will not go back!

Where can we find you?
YouTube: InspiringlyNatural
Instagram and Facebook: InspiringlyNatural

How did you hear about us? 
Browsing iKnowlee.

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