Andddddd I Got NEWS!!!!

So, my life is about to change. But for the better. I don't normally talk about my personal life much on here because I know you all have more interesting lives than I do. Lol! Well I hope. Lol! However when it's something that I am excited about, I try to share it with you guys. 

So what is the big news? Well, remember back in April I shared my Engagement News? Well we initially planned to get married next year after a yr of being engaged. However things sometimes never go as planned. So my big news is, I will be getting married in a week. Yes, I did say a week. Lol!

Over the memorial holiday weekend we decide to plan a vacation to Jamaica, (where I am from), as we have never travelled outside of the country together before. While planning, we asked ourselves, 'why wait'? Let's just get married now. With just our parents, my sister and a friend names scribbled on a piece of paper we decided, let's do it! So that night we booked everything. Lol. Hotel, flight, wedding package.... everything. 

Call me weird, but I am never one for big weddings. I entertained the idea of having a real traditional wedding next year. But that barely lasted a week. The price, planning and all the shebang got to me and I am like nah, city hall is good. Luckily my fiancĂ© want whatever I want. Also, wouldn't that money look nicer in my account on a downpayment for a house one day? Yea I am one of those people that are very practical and money spending has to make real sense to me. 

So, Jamaica it is. July 22, at 11am I will be a married woman. Omg, I will be a WIFE! Ain't that crazy? Lol. Yes, you would need to call me Shelly Ann Elizabeth Aiken. I love it! Hehe! So you must be like so where are your friends and stuff? Well see I think if they are friends and know me well they will understand that this was suddenly planned and that I also I wanted this wedding to be about me and my husband without messing with with my life savings. Call me's ok, I embrace it. Lol!! Eloping would have been great. Lol. But you would have to come to my funeral after my mother kill us. We don't want that. No we don't. Lol. 

So, if you want pics and updates when we get back from Jamaica I will certainly share. It will be one of the happiest and intimate moments of my life. This will be my first time going back home to Jamaica in over 4 yrs so I am super stoked. 

And the there is other news. Lol
Dang, it just keep getting better right? Lol. Well we are expecting a lil bundle joy in December of this year. Yes folks. Your girl is preggerssss. Lol. Four months down and excited to see how this pregnancy change my body and enhance our marriage. 

I am so happy at this stage of my life. I hope you would like to go on this married life and motherhood journey with me. Until next time, live well! 

What is going on in your life? Do share!


  1. GlamNaturalLife.comJuly 14, 2014 at 8:45 AM

    Yes girl! I am so not into the wedding thing. Well reception thing, cUse that's what eat up your money. Spending money on honeymoon and rings make better sense. And you will get a ring before you know it Hun. Just make sure you share the news with me. Lol.

  2. GlamNaturalLife.comJuly 14, 2014 at 9:24 AM

    Thanks hunny

  3. My pleasure hun and good luck :)

  4. Congratulations!!! I'm all for small weddings it's more intimate and I agree the wedding is really just the start, save your money for the more critical stuff like a house and your baby!! Can we get a pic of the baby bump that's all I'm requesting!

  5. GlamNaturalLife.comJuly 14, 2014 at 1:49 PM

    Thx Tiff!

  6. GlamNaturalLife.comJuly 14, 2014 at 1:50 PM

    Yes, lol. I will add a pic to this post later. its not really that big tho. lol. let me warn you.

  7. Make sure you get the best angle lol! So much exciting news I can't manage!

  8. Best wishes to you both and have a blast!!!

  9. Fantastic and congratulations!! I just said the same thing to my niece save your money and do it small. I wish you nothing but blessings & happiness

  10. Congrats to you! Hope you have a special wedding and life together!

  11. Congratulations and blessings to you.

  12. Whatever I did with these products, the styler, the Afrodisia 9 and the moisturizer all left my hair dull and flat. I gave it to my daughter in law to try and she had the same results. Glad I got them during $10 days.

  13. Hey gorgeous,

    I voted for your blog as part of the "One Lovely Blog Award"! You can read about the rules here:

    I LOVE your blog and its content so I had to vote for you! :)

    P.S. congrats on the upcoming wedding!!! :D How exciting!


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